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Darling Sylvia,

On October 10, I celebrated 50 years of knowing you were in my world. On the dance floor of the Country Club of Detroit (the GPHS 50th Reunion), we danced the box social, the twist, the truck stop and everything in between. I love to watch you dance. Your joy radiates on your face and, oh darling, your body looks so good. You let me be your rooster, and I strut and preen knowing you are my hen. Not PC but I am so proud that you chose to be my trophy wife.

Like a dance, life with you has been very good. Sometimes, it has been like the twist very exciting and dangerous. Sometimes, we dance apart but always we know where the other is. Sometimes, it is like the box social, a coordination of being close and then apart but always in step; I am sorry for stepping on your toes. Sometimes, it is like the truck stop with your head resting on my shoulder and the curve of your body so close that I can feel the beating of your heart. I am so glad that you said yes when I asked you to dance.

