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Darling Eddie, There, you did it again. You made something beautiful; more accurately, you made something else beautiful in my world.  are dependable to show appreciation of me, to be there when I need you, and to look toward a future together and participate in making that future. Today, I find you dependable to bring beauty into my world.

I don’t know anyone who has as many beautiful bouquets in their house all year long as we do. Who has orchids in the bathroom, snapdragons in the kitchen, blooming cacti on the mantel?  We do. I know that when you see beauty, you want to share it with me. I have been hearing about the swelling Catylea buds for days; I can’t wait until you bring those plants to the house to share.

We have had a WET Winter and Spring. We thought it would never stop raining. And then the mud. Oh, the mud. Now, finally, some days of sunshine.  In spite of the rain, you have brought beauty into this yard. Maybe because of the rain, the bulbs you planted last fall have put on a gorgeous long-lasting show. We have had weeks of daffodils, weeks of yellow, purple and white crocus, tiny new blue hyacinths to join the old-fashioned grape hyacinths along the drive. Now, the tulips are in gay profusion in front of the house. Yesterday, I found those tiny red tulips with the white daffodils by the pond. I laughed. I remembered the bag with that set of colors that was one more Eddie Aldi impulse buy along with our groceries.

Today, you are once again out in the garden. You have prepared the soil with bone shaking days with the tiller. You have built this year’s addition in the continuing war with the deer who munched your roses. The electric fence will or will not help, but not for your lack of trying. You are setting out the first transplants from the greenhouse. The bare dirt is going to bring forth color for the farm market. You will see that we have a beautiful world until first frost next fall. I will enjoy every bit of your contribution and our granddaughter will once again exclaim, “I love it when the garden is full of color and we can see all of the beautiful butterflies!”

Thank you, sweet beauty provider. I love you.
